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فلتر Beautify للفوتوشوب الخاص بالمصوريين Beautify for Adobe Photoshop

اذهب الى الأسفل

فلتر Beautify للفوتوشوب الخاص بالمصوريين Beautify for Adobe Photoshop Empty فلتر Beautify للفوتوشوب الخاص بالمصوريين Beautify for Adobe Photoshop

مُساهمة من طرف محمد84 الأحد 11 أكتوبر - 17:21

فلتر Beautify للفوتوشوب الخاص بالمصوريين Beautify for Adobe Photoshop

Beautify for Adobe Photoshop 2.0.0

فلتر Beautify للفوتوشوب الخاص بالمصوريين Beautify for Adobe Photoshop IMG_20200825_214659_421

فلتر Beautify للفوتوشوب الخاص بالمصوريين

موقع الفلتر https://beautifypanel.com/

Overview of Beautify for Adobe Photoshop Benefits
Created by professionals Beautify sector will help make your perfect portraits in a couple of clicks. It is a concentration of technology that will help you speed up, simplify and increase the quality of your work. If you are a beginner, Beautify will help you do what you’ve always dreamed about without experience, if you are a professional Beautify will help save 90% of your valuable time.

Leverage artificial intelligence power by removing defects with texture application, the intelligent contrast and dodge & burn intelligent. Get the right mood in all your photos. You’ll have access to thousands of features to make it, from color correction to change the color tone or change the depth of field with the effects Bokeh.

Create realistic Flare so fast, you will have full control of optics also used. Selections and clipping paths precise thanks to the masks in brightness and hue..

Overview of Beautify for Adobe Photoshop Features
Easy to use
Quality assurance
Comfort graphic
Suitable for beginners and professionals
Original and unique features
Quick and easy installation
Fast and efficient service
Technical Details and System Requirements
Requirements: Photoshop CC2014 (V.15), CC2015, CC2017, CC2018, CC2019, CC2020



مدير عام
مدير عام

عدد الرسائل : 1397
العمر : 39
الموقع : البليدة-العفرون
المزاج : ممتاز
الجنسية : الجزائر
السٌّمعَة : 4
نقاط : 2632
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2008

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